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Newsletter #4: No audio-visual media challenge

·2 mins·

Hi 🙂,
my YouTube ‘addiction’ kicked in hard again. (It’s more than just YouTube.) It ate up a lot of time and drew my focus away from what was important.

Unlike the last time this happened, I didn’t dig myself into a deep hole. I got my job done on time, held up most established practices, kept up relationships and did some reading and productive work. Being so drawn to consuming media takes up a lot of my focus and time. So naturally, I have to get rid of this habit again.

Next challenge #

And the way I got rid of that ‘addiction’ successfully in the past was through this No audio-visual media challenge. It’s my spin on the “dopamine detox” concept.

Like the name says, it prohibits me from consuming media that falls under the audio-visual umbrella. Purely audio counts all the same.

Especially (but not limited to):

  • No YouTube
  • No documentaries
  • No comedy specials
  • No audiobooks
  • No podcasts, including educational
  • No manga
  • No porn
  • No movies, series (weren’t allowed before either)

Explicitly allowed are only music and any course material I’m actively studying (e.g. a language course.)

This procedure will stop me from passively consuming and make me bored again. And boredom, in turn, sparks my interest for projects, reading, writing, chores, etc.

I will run this for at least two weeks (starting Sep10.)

Review of the last challenge #

The last challenge was: Wearing formal clothes for improved performance

When I put on my formal clothes, it felt helpful. I was focused and did my work. Adverse behaviors only happened when I didn’t have them on. The caveat: I didn’t put them on a lot.

Putting on the clothes acted like a commitment. I knew that, if I put them on, I would commit myself to focus on the task at hand, and I did. But nothing happened when I didn’t put them on. When I didn’t want to commit. These clothes can enhance my focus, but only if I am willing to commit to it. They are useful. But it’s not exactly what I need right now. I will keep this in mind for future application, though.

New articles #

  • I wrote down some thoughts on a documentary showing Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine from a civilian perspective.

As usual: I got more in the pipeline that didn’t get finished in time 😄.
