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Newsletter #2: Presence in Daily Life

·2 mins·

Hi, the last 3 weeks I had an NLP seminar which required my full focus, followed by a virus infection to ensure that I got my rest after the seminar 🙂

Review of last challenge #

I better understood hypnotic language patterns of the Milton model through their application. Applying them to my thoughts positively influenced my self-talk. But it also required a lot of conscious effort. I’ll keep using it as a tool to bring about a desired state.

Remembering the names of other participants went well for the times it was necessary (usually we had name tags.) By concentrating on retaining the name I could remember pretty well. Much better than in the past.

In Teaching Excellence Richard Bandler describes an optimized NLP strategy for remembering names. I’ll adopt that at some point in the future when I know there will be many new names for me to remember.

Next challenge #

I’ve been getting in Eckart Tolles “The Power of Now” again. At the beginning of chapter 5 he writes:

To stay present in everyday life, it helps to be deeply rooted with-in yourself; otherwise, the mind, which has incredible momentum, will drag you along like a wild river. [To be rooted within yourself] means to inhabit your body fully. To always have some of your attention in the inner energy field of your body. To feel the body from within, so to speak. Body awareness keeps you present. It anchors you in the Now.

I interpret it like this: if I want to identify with the mind, I should completely hand over my awareness to it, but focus a part of my attention on my body. I take a spot in my body that I will consciously feel to stay anchored in the present moment, while doing “mind work.”

New articles #

I wrote some, but finished none.

Step by step I will work through the contents of the NLP seminar and create a series of articles out of them.