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RSS Feeds

Be notified of new posts.
TL;DR: The newsletter or main feed are right for most people.

Option 1: Newsletter #

I have a weekly newsletter. This is the prompt for signing up with email:

As an alternative to email, you can subscribe via rss.

Option 2: Main feed #

There is a main feed, which includes all the main categories. A few categories are excluded to keep it focused (see list below.)

Option 3: Pick categories #

You can also mix together the feeds for the individual categories you are interested in.

The main categories:

  • Essays - Focused writing that explores ideas that had an impact on my life.
  • Guides - Practical guides that go into detail.
  • Reviews - Reviews of everything I come across.
  • Projects - Explainations of the projects I've created.
  • Miscellaneous - A random assortment of articles without a clear thread.

Not included in the main feed: